UNE 71506:2013 Electronic Evidence Management System (EEMS)

In the BOE no. 235 of 1 October 2013 is published the Resolution of 23 September 2013, which publishes the list of UNE standards approved by AENOR during the month of July 2013.


  • UNE 71505-1:2013. Information Technology (IT). Electronic Evidence Management System (EEMS). Part 1: Vocabulary and general principles’;
  • UNE 71505-2:2013. Information Technology (IT). Electronic Evidence Management System (EEMS). Part 2: Good practices in the management of electronic evidence’.
  • UNE 71505-3:2013. Information Technology (IT). Electronic Evidence Management System (EEMS). Part 3: Trained and technical mechanisms’.

These standards help to standardize the management of electronic evidence and establish a framework of good practice that helps to improve the admissibility of electronic evidence in court proceedings, provided that experts adopt their principles.