In the BOE 301, of 17 December 2015 has been published the
Resolution of 15 December 2015, of the General Secretariat of the Administration of Justice, approving the standard form model provided for in Royal Decree 1065/2015, of 27 November, on electronic communications in the Administration of Justice in the territorial scope of the Ministry of Justice and regulating the LexNET system.
This resolution defines the format and content of the form that must accompany the documents sent by Lexnet.
This is the text:
Section 3 of Article 9 of Royal Decree 1065/2015, of 27 November, on electronic communications in the Administration of Justice in the territorial scope of the Ministry of Justice and regulating the LexNET system establishes that the submission of all kinds of pleadings, documents, opinions, reports or other means or instruments must be accompanied by a standard form with the details or index comprising the number, order and brief description of the content of each of the documents, as well as, where appropriate, the judicial or prosecutorial body or office to which it is addressed and the type and number of the file and the year to which the document refers. This standard form shall comply with the provisions of Regulation 2/2010, on general criteria for the standardisation of the actions of the common procedural services, approved by Agreement of 25 February 2010, of the Plenary of the General Council of the Judiciary.
The form thus configured will be a digital document, designed for the purpose of the user entering structured data (name, surname, address, etc.) in the corresponding fields to be stored and processed later.
In the LexNET communications system, the form will be integrated by the different data that, depending on the type of document, intervener, procedure, etc., must be filled in by the sender. When documents are attached to the main document, the LexNET system will generate the comprehensive index of these documents that can be checked in the acknowledgement of receipt generated, resulting visually in the image that, as an example, is included as an annex to this Resolution.
The form, depending on the different possibilities and casuistry, will contain the data listed below, of which those that are noted as such will be obligatory:
One. Procedural Brief.
A Procedural Document shall be understood to be any document submitted to a body in relation to a judicial proceeding that has already been initiated. All pleadings submitted to bodies must include at least the following information:
a) Sender [required]: identification of the sender Professional/Organization. See section Identification of Professionals/Organisations.
b) Addressees [compulsory]: destination body and parties to whom the transfer is made. See section Identification of Professionals/Organisations.
c) Date and time of submission [mandatory, automatically filled in by the system]: date and time at which the submission was made.
d) Interveners: identification of interveners not informed in the opening brief. See section Identification of interveners.
e) Documents [required]: list of documents that make up the document. See section Details of annexed documents.
f) Main facts of the brief:
i Correction: indication of whether the document sent is a correction of a previous document due to formal errors in sending it (type/number of erroneous procedure or body of destination).
ii Proceeding referred to in the brief [mandatory]. See section Identification of Initiated Proceedings.
iii Indicators:
1. Urgent: indicator of the urgency of the writing.
2. Guard: indicator of writing addressed to Guard.
Two. Subject Initiating Brief.
A Case Initiating Brief shall be understood to be any brief submitted to a judicial body, requesting the initiation of a new proceeding. All Initiating Letters submitted to judicial bodies must include at least the following information:
a) Sender [required]: identification of the sender Professional/Organization. See section Identification of Professionals/Organisations.
b) Addressees [compulsory]: destination body and parties to whom the transfer is made. See section Identification of Professionals/Organisations.
c) Date and time of submission [mandatory, automatically filled in by the system]: date and time at which the submission was made.
d) Interveners [required]: identification of interveners. See section Identification of intervening parties.
e) Documents [required]: list of documents that make up the document. See section Details of annexed documents.
f) Main facts of the brief:
i. Indicators:
1. Urgent: indicator of the urgency of the writing.
2. Guard: indicator of writing addressed to Guard.
ii. Criminal jurisdiction data:
1. Offence [required]: table of contents value Compatibility test.
2. Location where the alleged offence was committed.
3. Date: when the alleged offence was committed (dd/mm/yyyy).
4. Time: at which the alleged offence was committed (hh:mm).
5. Additional indicators:
With detainee.
With prisoner.
Gender violence
6. Remarks: free text up to 1,000 characters.
iii. Civil jurisdiction data:
1. Subject [required]: value from subject table Test compatibility.
2. Type of amount [required]: determined/undetermined/not applicable.
3. Details of determined amount:
- Divisa [required, automatically filled in by the system].
Main amount [required].
Protest expense.
Interest [required].
Independent counterclaim.
4. Additional indicators:
Gender violence.
5. Remarks: free text up to 1,000 characters.
Data contentious-administrative jurisdiction:
1. Subject [required]: value from subject table Test compatibility.
2. Type of amount [required]: Determined/undetermined/not applicable.
3. Details of determined amount:
- Divisa [required, automatically filled in by the system].
Amount amount [required].
4. Date of agreement (dd/mm/yyyy).
5. Resource object: free text.
6. Organism [required]: free text.
7. File number of origin.
8. Year of origin (yyyy).
9. Remarks: free text up to 1,000 characters.
v. Social jurisdiction data:
1. Subject [required]: value from subject table Test compatibility.
2. Amount:
- Divisa.
3. Remarks: free text up to 1,000 characters.
Three. Initiating Writ of Execution.
Enforcement Initiating Writs shall be understood as any writ submitted to a judicial body, requesting the enforcement of procedural or arbitration decisions, mediation agreements or extrajudicial titles that entail enforcement. All writs initiating enforcement submitted to a court must include at least the following information:
a) Sender [required]: identification of the sender Professional/Organization. See section Identification of Professionals/Organisations.
b) Addressees [compulsory]: destination body and parties to whom it is transferred. Identification of professionals/agencies.
c) Date and time of submission [mandatory, automatically filled in by the system]: date and time at which the submission was made.
d) Interveners [required]: identification of interveners. See section Identification of intervening parties.
e) Documents [required]: list of documents that make up the document. See section Details of annexed documents.
f) Main facts of the brief:
i. Urgent: indicator of urgency of the writing.
ii. Criminal jurisdiction data:
1. Judicial body of origin [required]. See section Identification of Professionals/Organisations.
2. Originating procedure [mandatory]. See section Identification of Initiated Proceedings.
3. Offence [required]: table value Compatibility test.
4. Locality: locality in which the crime was committed.
5. Date: when the alleged offence was committed (dd/mm/yyyy).
6. Time: at which the alleged offence was committed (hh:mm).
7. Additional indicators:
With detainee.
With prisoner.
Gender violence.
8. Remarks: free text up to 1,000 characters.
iii. Civil jurisdiction data:
1. Subject [required]: value from subject table Test compatibility.
2. Type of amount [required]: determined/undetermined/not applicable.
3. Details of determined amount:
- Divisa [required], filled in automatically by the system.
Main amount [required].
Protest expense.
Interest [required].
Independent counterclaim.
4. Additional indicators:
Gender violence.
5. Remarks: free text up to 1,000 characters.
6. Origin:
In the case of non-judicial title executions:
Originating agency [required].
In the case of judicial title executions:
Originating body [required]. See section Identification of Professionals/Organisations.
Originating procedure [required]. See section Identification of Initiated Proceedings.
iv. Contentious-administrative jurisdiction data:
1. Judicial body of origin [required]. See section Identification of Professionals/Organisations.
2. Originating procedure [mandatory]. See section Identification of Initiated Proceedings.
3. Subject [required]: value from subject table Test compatibility.
4. Type of amount [required]: determined/undetermined/not applicable.
5. Details of amount determined:
- Divisa [required, automatically filled in by the system].
- Cost [mandatory, automatically filled in by the system].
6. Remarks: free text up to 1,000 characters.
v. Social jurisdiction data:
1. Subject [required]: value from subject table Test compatibility.
2. Amount:
- Divisa.
- Cost.
3. Remarks: free text up to 1,000 characters.
4. Execution file:
In the case of non-judicial title executions:
Originating agency [required].
File number of origin.
Year of origin (yyyy).
In the case of judicial title executions:
Originating body [required]. See section Identification of Professionals/Organisations.
Originating procedure [required]. See section Identification of Initiated Proceedings.
Four. Professional/Organization Identification Data.
a) Registered professionals:
i Name [required].
ii Surname [required].
iii Member No. [obligatory, automatically filled in by the system].
iv College [mandatory, automatically filled in by the system].
b) Bodies/entities:
i. Name of the agency [required].
ii. Location:
1. Province [required, automatically filled in by the system].
2. Municipality [compulsory, automatically filled in by the system].
(c) Functional units (judicial bodies, registry units):
i. Name of the organ [required].
ii. Community [required, automatically filled in by the system].
iii. Province [required, automatically filled in by the system].
iv. Registration unit (if available) [mandatory, automatically filled in by the system].
Five. Identification of Initiated Proceedings.
a) Principal:
i. Type of procedure [mandatory]: code/name of the procedure.
ii. Procedure number [required]: in xxx/yyyy format.
iii. NIG [compulsory in initiators of enforcement of judicial title].
b) Separate piece:
i. Type of source procedure [mandatory]: code/name of the source procedure.
ii. Originating procedure number [required]: in xxx/yyyy format.
iii. Type of procedure part [required]: part code/name.
iv. Part procedure number [required]: in the format xxx/yyyy.
v. Part number.
vi. NIG.
Six. Identification of Interveners.
a) Type of intervening party:
i. Type of person [required]: natural / legal / unincorporated entity.
ii. Type of Intervention [required]: compatibility test table.
b) Data of the intervener for natural person:
i. Type of Identification [required]: table of intervention types of the Compatibility Test.
ii. Number [compulsory if the type of identification is stated]: alphanumeric characters.
iii. Name [required].
iv. First surname [required].
v. Second last name.
vi. Sex.
vii. Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy).
viii. Place of birth.
ix. Country of birth.
x. Nationality.
xi. Father’s name.
xii. Mother’s name.
c) Details of the intervener for legal person or entity without legal personality:
i. Type of identification [required]: table.
ii. Number [compulsory if the type of identification is stated]: alphanumeric characters.
iii Company name [required].
d) Address of the intervener:
i. Type of track: table.
ii. Track name.
iii. Number.
iv. Block.
v. Ladder.
vi. Floor.
vii. Letter.
viii. Country.
1. In case of national address, additionally:
2. In case of international address, additionally:
e) Procedural representatives:
i. Type of representation [mandatory, in case of reporting a representative]: types of representation of the Compatibility Test.
ii. Data of the representative [mandatory, in case of informing a representative]. See Identification of Professionals/Organisations.
Seven. Characterization of Documents.
Any document submitted to a judicial body is composed of a Main Document and, optionally, an indeterminate number of annexes. In order for the electronic referral system itself to generate the index corresponding to the attached documents, these will be characterized as follows:
a) Documentation Pending Completion: in the event that it is not possible to submit all the documents in the document by electronic means, due to exceeding the technical capabilities of the system, or because they are not suitable for electronic submission, this will be indicated.
b) Main Document [required]. Main document in PDF format. The same shall be reported:
i. File name [required, field automatically filled in when attaching a file].
ii. File format [required, field automatically filled in when attaching a file].
iii. Description: free text up to 100 characters.
iv. Cataloguing [required]: See section Values cataloguing documents.
c) Annexes. Each annex will be a document in PDF, RTF, JPG, JPEG, TIF, ODT, ZIP format. For each one, the following information shall be provided:
i. Name of the file [obligatory, field automatically filled in when attaching a file], preceded by the cardinal number corresponding to the order it occupies when attached or annexed in the sending to be made.
ii. File format [required, field automatically filled in when attaching a file].
iii. Description: free text up to 100 characters.
iv. Cataloguing [required]: See section Values cataloguing documents.
Document Listing Values
Attested. |
Attestation. ju.rap. c/deten. and ord. pr./alej. |
Attested. |
Atest. jui. delit.leves (without immediacy). |
Attested. |
Attestation with detainee. |
Attested. |
Attested with detainee in search and capture. |
Attested. |
Attested trial immediate misdemeanors. |
Attested. |
Attested speedy trial with detainee. |
Attested. |
Rapid trial report without detainee. |
Attested. |
Attested order prot./alleg. with detainee. |
Attested. |
Attested order prot./alleg. without detainee. |
Attested. |
Attestation of the rest of the cases. |
Complaint. |
Complaint. |
Opinion. |
Opinion of the Bar Association. |
Opinion. |
Opinion of the Public Prosecutor’s Office. |
Opinion. |
Unspecified opinion. |
Registration Documentation. |
Form for the submission of pleadings. |
Paper documentation. |
Copy of court decision. |
Paper documentation. |
Photocopy of copy. |
Paper documentation. |
Photocopy of power of attorney. |
Paper documentation. |
Photocopy of court decision. |
Paper documentation. |
Computer support. |
Undetermined documentation. |
Undetermined documentation. |
Probative documentation. |
Doc.prob. technical insolvency agreement. |
Probative documentation. |
Doc.prob.historical-criminal sheet. |
Probative documentation. |
Doc.prob.honors./minute/account procur. |
Probative documentation. |
Report Test Doc./Safety Ffcc. |
Probative documentation. |
Doc.prob.public/private organizations. |
Probative documentation. |
Part-Test Doc. / Medical Diagnostic Tests |
Probative documentation. |
Proof of Proceedings Testimony Doc. |
Probative documentation. |
Probative documentation acknowledgement of receipt. |
Probative documentation. |
Administrative evidentiary documentation. |
Probative documentation. |
Probative banking documentation. |
Probative documentation. |
Probative documentation burofax. |
Probative documentation. |
Proof of accounting/commercial documentation. |
Probative documentation. |
Proof of contract/agreement documentation. |
Probative documentation. |
Probative documentation email. |
Probative documentation. |
Proof documentation fax. |
Probative documentation. |
Probative tax documentation. |
Probative documentation. |
Image and sound evidentiary documentation. |
Probative documentation. |
Probative documentation technical-pericial report. |
Probative documentation. |
Proof of payment. |
Probative documentation. |
Probative documentation, maps and plans. |
Probative documentation. |
Handwritten note. |
Probative documentation. |
Notarial/registrar’s evidentiary documentation. |
Probative documentation. |
Other correspondence. |
Probative documentation. |
Press and informative evidentiary documentation. |
Probative documentation. |
Probative documentation slip. |
Probative documentation. |
Unspecified supporting documentation. |
Probative documentation. |
Probative documentation telegram. |
Probative documentation. |
Proof of title of transport documentation. |
Documentation representing the parties. |
Document representing parties for free legal aid. |
Documentation representing the parties. |
Document Representing Parties to the Termination of a Contract Procurator/Attorney at Law |
Documentation representing the parties. |
Doc.repres. parties special power of attorney for litigation. |
Documentation representing the parties. |
Doc. repres. parties power of attorney for general litigation. |
Documentation representing the parties. |
Repr. Parts Doc. by Union |
Documentation representing the parties. |
Documentation representation of the parties designation. |
Documentation representing the parties. |
Documentation representing unspecified parties. |
Documentation representing the parties. |
Professional qualification. |
Appropriation account documents. |
Proof of deposit/deposit. |
Written. |
Demand. |
Written. |
Esc.interp.rec. aud.rebeld./resc.sent. |
Written. |
Esc.interp.rec. cass. and procedural infr. |
Written. |
Esc. of Extraordinary Proceedings for Procedural Offences. |
Written. |
Esc.esc.interp.recurso casac. unif. doctrina. |
Written. |
Interpolation of a Cont-Administrative Appeal Sc. |
Written. |
Esc.interp.appeal for review of sentence. |
Written. |
Reply letter. Min. of Public Prosec. |
Written. |
Foreign conviction writ (Cex). |
Written. |
Statement of claim plant. Reconv. |
Written. |
Written statement of abstention/recusal. |
Written. |
Clarification letter. |
Written. |
Cumulation letter. |
Written. |
Indictment. |
Written. |
Written statement of adhesion. |
Written. |
Brief of allegations. |
Written. |
Trespass pleading. |
Written. |
Extension letter. |
Written. |
Statement of claim/appeal extension. |
Written. |
Supplemental brief. |
Written. |
Brief of conclusions. |
Written. |
Creditors/debtors bankruptcy writ. |
Written. |
Response to the lawsuit. |
Written. |
Statement of defence to the counterclaim. |
Written. |
Withdrawal letter. |
Written. |
Preliminary diligence brief. |
Written. |
Writ of execution. |
Written. |
Provisional writ of execution. |
Written. |
Written notice of enervation of the eviction. |
Written. |
Challenge Brief. |
Written. |
Letter of initiation of governmental proceedings. |
Written. |
Technical insolvency letter. |
Written. |
Statement of claim of jurisdiction. |
Written. |
Writ of amparo. |
Written. |
Brief of appeal. |
Written. |
Brief of appeal in cassation. |
Written. |
Written statement of the lodging of a complaint. |
Written. |
Brief of interposition of an appeal for reform. |
Written. |
Written notice of appeal for reconsideration. |
Written. |
Brief of interposition of appeal for review. |
Written. |
Written statement of appeal. |
Written. |
Brief of interposition of appeal of appeal. |
Written. |
Brief of interposition of an appeal in the interest of the Law. |
Written. |
Notice of Opposition. |
Written. |
Written statement of appearance in the proceedings. |
Written. |
Written statement of appearance in the appeal. |
Written. |
Brief in preparation of appeal. |
Written. |
Writ of reopening of execution. |
Written. |
Written claim for fees/fees. |
Written. |
Written acknowledgement in administrative proceedings. |
Written. |
Resignation letter. |
Written. |
Extraprocedural satisfaction letter. |
Written. |
Motion to dismiss and file. |
Written. |
Written request for injunctive relief. |
Written. |
Brief of request for injunctive relief. |
Written. |
Written request for the nullity of the proceedings. |
Written. |
Written request/request for evidence. |
Written. |
Written correction. |
Written. |
Brief of procedural succession. |
Written. |
Suspension letter. |
Written. |
Unspecified writing. |
Written. |
Written request to extend the effects of the sentence. |
Written. |
Written request for protection order / removal. |
Written. |
Written request for costs/interest. |
Written. |
Written request for addition. |
Written. |
Incident in bankruptcy (challenge of credits). |
Written. |
General bankruptcy incident. |
File. |
Administrative file. |
File. |
Pardon file. |
File. |
File not specified. |
Habeas corpus. |
Communication habeas corpus. |
Report. |
Bankruptcy administration report. |
Report. |
Report unspecified. |
Report. |
Prison report/part. |
Written proof of transfer. |
Written proof of transfer. |
List/set of questions. |
List/set of questions. |
External office. |
External office. |
Medical report. |
Medical report. |
Complaint. |
Complaint. |
Application/request. |
Request/request for boarding. |
Application/request. |
Application/request for controlled delivery. |
Application/request. |
Application/request for interception of communications. |
Application/request. |
Application/request for entry and search warrant. |
Application/request. |
Application/request for other interim measures. |
Fee completed. |
Fee completed. |
Eight. Entry into force.
This resolution shall enter into force on 1 January 2016.
Madrid, 15 December 2015.-The Secretary General of the Administration of Justice, Antonio Dorado Picón.